Download Kleopatra Encryption

Gpg4win 3.1.15 (Released: 2021-01-12)

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You can download the full version (including the Gpg4win compendium)of Gpg4win 3.1.15 here:

OpenPGP signature (for gpg4win-3.1.15.exe)
SHA256: 58b4de192ce0f3a7f25766e96ec379a8f125e3a1e2bdb2519c185a03a0a4ed4c

More Gpg4win-3.1.15 downloads

  • Gpg4win source code package:
    gpg4win-3.1.15.tar.bz2 (Size: 273 MByte)
    OpenPGP signature
    SHA256 checksum: 3f04482b7f80ab5f4846d3fcfab45e825d2a506e9348ba6e266fe6cc44811081
  • All versions and OpenPGP signatures:
  • To create a portable Gpg4win version use the included tool mkportable.exe.
    HOWTO: Install Gpg4win with all components and then run from the command line (cmd) in install directory: mkportable.exe [OPTIONS] TARGETDIR. Use mkportable.exe --help to get all options. The portable version does not include GpgOL and GpgEX! Your certificates and settings are saved in the directory 'home' of portable version.
    Please note: Do not use portable applications - especially crypto applications - on potentially infected systems.
    For the full mkportable version of Gpg4win you have to install all components including GPA. Additionally the name of the target folder has to be at least four characters long.


After downloading please verify the integrity of your Gpg4win package. Then double-click on the file you have downloaded and follow the instructions on the screen (or look at the documentation) and read the current README file.

Gpg4win Compendium 3.0.0(Released: 2016-11-30)

You find the current PDF and HTML version of the Gpg4win Compendiumhere:

Read the documentation page for more information about available Gpg4win documentation.

All Downloads

Current and all previous Gpg4win installers as well as signatures and correspondingsource code packages are available

In the change historyyou will find information about the most relevant changes and whichversion of the products each of the releases contained.Also, you will find direct download link for the old releases.

DownloadDownload kleopatra encryption freeAll Beta releases (with OpenPGP-Signatures)

Please note that old releases may still contain meanwhile fixed security issues.

The publicGpg4win git repositorycontains the current Gpg4win source code.


We recommend to subscribe to theGpg4win announcement mailing listto be automatically informed about new releases and otherimportant Gpg4win news.

For public administrations: An an approval to handle governmental documentsthat are classified 'restricted' ('VS-NUR FÜR DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH')is aimed for by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Kleopatra Encryption Download Windows 10