Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac

Though, TeamViewer comes with free and personal usage edition, but intentionally TeamViewer stop working after a few days and usage with a message that you have been found using TeamViewer for commercial purpose (commercial use suspected) even though you were just helping your college or school mate in her or his project.

Forked from efernandesng/
Remove 'Commercial use suspected'/'Commercial use detected' warning on teamviewer 13

Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac Os

Is there anyone out there who can find a super high profile tech journalist or someone in the Silicon Valley scene to expose how TeamViewer is hating on person's with disabilities who use this tool (FOR NON COMMERCIAL USE) as an assistive technology so they don't have to drive to their families' homes to help with computer problems. I'm not an employee of TeamViewer, but my understanding of their terms is that yes, this would constitute 'free' use. Commercial licences are required if you are using TeamViewer in a business environment, such as my office, where I use TeamViewer to remote-access my colleagues' workstations, and support them in their day-to-day work as. Remove 'Commercial use suspected'/'Commercial use detected' warning on teamviewer 13 -

Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected

Teamviewer free for commercial use
# Remove 'Commercial use suspected'/'Commercial use detected' warning on teamviewer 13
# Tested on Arch linux
# Make sure only root can run our script
if [[ $EUID-ne 0 ]];then
echo'This script must be run as root'1>&2
exit 1
if [ !-s$CONFIG_FILE ];then
echo'$CONFIG_FILE not found! Teamviewer is installed?'1>&2
exit 1
systemctl stop teamviewerd
lastMACUsed=`cat $CONFIG_FILE| grep LastMACUsed | cut -b 23- | tr -d '''`
forifacein`ls /sys/class/net`;do
read mac </sys/class/net/$iface/address
mac=`echo $mac| tr -d ':'`
if [ '${lastMACUsed#*$mac}'!='$lastMACUsed' ];then
echo'$iface -> $mac'
#ip link set $iface down
macchanger $iface -r
#ip link set $iface up
rm -f '$CONFIG_FILE'
systemctl start teamviewerd

Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac Update

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