- Speaker Testing Software Programs
- Speaker Testing Software Online
- Speaker Testing Software
- Speaker Testing Software Download
Speaker Testing and Analysis Now that you have built your speakers, it is time to test them. You will need a microphone and a computer with a microphone input & headphone/line-out output. You will also need software that generates test tones at different frequencies and then reads back those tones using the microphone connected to the computer. The Speaker Test Software 'RT-Speaker' provides in combination with the FX100 Audio Analyzer a comprehensive solution with a unique and reliable defects analysis. The objective Rub & Buzz analysis correlates 100% to the subjective perception of the human ear. The typical cycle time for a complete speaker test is less than two seconds. PassMark SoundCheck™ is a Windows based application that allows users to test their PC sound card, speakers and microphone. Verify that your sound card can record and playback sounds at various audio sample rates.
This is a view ofthe Real Time Generator/Analyzer Screen
The audio is a singlesinewave Tone, at 550 Hz
The Tone is comingout of the speakers attached to the sound card
The Analyzer inputis the MIC input
Notice the peakat 550 Hz, with an apparent roll-off
The roll-off is dueto the bandwidth of the Analyzer
The Hz scale (Horizontal)has been widened (user defined)
to show that evenat about 50 Hz on either side of 550 Hz
the signal shownis about 40 db down from the peak.
Speaker Testing Software Programs
This is a singletone, but the waveform is a TRIANGLE.
Notice the harmonicsappearing at 3, 5, 7, 9 ... times the base 1 kHz
The left side ofthe program is generating audio which is being played
into a cheap setof speakers, using max audio volume and midrange
wav level, and midrangetreble and bass. This audio then goes into
an inexpensive microphonewith 20 db gain set, maximum level
One user noted thatthis spectrum plot looks more like a square wave
than a triangle,so we are assuming that the speaker, microphone and
settings used havedistorted the triangle into more of a square wave
Speaker Testing Software Online
The sound card mixersettings are obviously important
and the characteristicsof the output and input devices
are also going toaffect the measurements.
Sound card is a CreativeLabs Sound Blaster Live Value card
Speakers are someinexpensive MS 691 Multi-Media 2' speakers
Microphone is aLabtec AM-242 plastic boom mic
This is a pairof tones. The Left speaker is about 6 inches from the mic
and the Right speakeris about 1 inch from the mic
Notice the relativeamplitude of the two tones, showing the lower amplitude
of the 550 Hz tone,which could be due to (1) the distance of the speaker from the MIC
and/or (2) the frequencyresponse of the speaker/mic combination
This is a sweeptone from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz, and the frequency response of the speaker/mic
system on my computer.Notice the ramp up to about 175 Hz, a roll-off, then
a steady rise toabout 370 Hz, then a roll-off to -20 db from 550 Hz to 1000 Hz
Speaker Testing Software
Note: In this mode,the Tone Generator and Spectrum Analyzer are 'Tracking'
This is useful fortesting frequency response characteristics
Speaker Testing Software Download
This is a spectrogramof some piano music called
Here's what you'reseeing in the spectrogram:
The horizontal axisis time, the display is 'sliding' to the left over time.
On the verticalaxis is 'Energy' at the frequencies indicated
Notice the energycomes on the 'beats' in the music
and you can seethe notes played are repeated
Listen to the clip(link above) and look at the spectrogram
You'll get an ideaof what this display means